In 2020, the Railway Industry Association (RIA) and Women in Rail (WR) launched a Charter to champion equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the UK railway industry. The joint EDI
Charter was a commitment to work together to build a more balanced higher-performing industry and has been backed by over 100 organisations and the Department for Transport.
Organisation pledges to promote equality, diversity and inclusion included:
- Appointing a member of the senior leadership team as an ‘EDI Champion’.
- Agreeing on an action plan and monitoring progress made, including in RIA’s annual reporting to their AGM and Women in Rail’s annual report.
- Also, progress is to be demonstrated on RIA, Women in Rail, and signatories’ websites.
- Providing opportunities for training and education of employees to help tackle unconscious bias and negative
behaviours within workforces.
- Creating a culture that fosters inclusion and encourages “quiet voices”, including at industry events and in meetings for instance, through 360 feedback on senior and executive teams and reverse mentoring, thus providing a safe space for all employees to talk openly.
- Making recruitment and progression processes accessible and attractive to all to attract retain and develop people of all backgrounds, ages, genders and identities.